Your quick start guide to Documill Leap

In Documill Leap you can create, manage, and execute document focused projects like Contracts, Master Service Agreement package, Project plans …and many other documents that would benefit from real-time collaboration.

Follow this Quick Start guide to familiarize yourself and get the best out of Documill Leap.

1. Your Organization

Your organization is where all your projects are. The organization name can be checked under your profile name. You can only access one organization at one time. It is possible that you can be part of multiple organizations.

Organizational User Roles

Every organization has 3 types of users.

  • Organization Admin – A user who creates the organization and has the right to create/manage projects and manage other users in that organization. When you create an organization you become Organization Admin by default and can invite others to your organization.
  • Project Admin – A user who has the right to create projects and assigns project owners to manage a project. When you create a project you become Project Owner by default.
  • User – A base user with minimum rights to complete tasks in a project.

Project Roles

All projects reside in an Organization. Projects are created by a user with Project Admin rights or Organization Admin rights in an organization. Projects have their own user rights.

  • Project Owner – A Project Owner manages a project and assigns tasks to team members. A project always needs a project owner. If a Project Admin or Organization Admin creates a project they become Project Owner by default.

note: An Organization user can only be made project owner by an Organization Admin or acting Project Owner.

The project owner has the following right

  • To change Project status
  • To change a member role in a project
  • To edit the Project dashboard
  • To view and edit a workflow
  • To view their own and others’ tasks
  • Add files to a project and manage file settings
  • Collaborator – A Collaborator is a project role that has the right to view project details in addition to his/her own tasks.
    Additional rights of a Member are

    • to view Project dashboard
    • to view project workflow
    • to view their own tasks
    • see members in a project
    • add files to a project and private folder
  • Limited Collaborator  – A Limited Collaborator is a project role that has the right to view only his/her own tasks in addition to some project details and files.
  • Rights of a Collaborator are
    • to view Project dashboard
    • to view their own tasks
    • to manage own files

    A basic member does not see project details for example who else is in the project and what tasks they are working on.

Tasks Roles

In Documill Leap a task is a work that needs to be completed by an assigned project member. For example, a member can be assigned to edit content in the file while others can be assigned to review that content. A task can be assigned to one or more collaborators however each project member needs to mark their own task complete for a task to complete.

Only the Project Owner assigns new tasks. Tasks are assigned in the project workflow. One of the benefits of assigning tasks in the workflow is Project Owners can see an overview of their project and tasks are completed sequentially Step by Step. There are different types of tasks in Documill Leap.

Assigning task roles

Once you have selected your workflow you will be prompted to Assign Collaborators. Collaborators are assigned in Workflow Steps to show the order in which tasks will come up.  Adding an assignee adds one task for each collaborator involved, and the collaborators assigned to these tasks have specific task roles.

Task roles are limited to a specific task which means an editing task is only delegated in the Editing phase and a signing task in the Signing phase.

There are the following roles in tasks

Phase Step Task Role Task Rights
Edit & Review Phase Edit Editor Can edit content
Approving Editor Can edit and give the decision to Tracked Changes
Commenter Can comment a document
Review Reviewer Can view and give review decision to a document
Approval Phase Approve Approver Can view and give approval to a document to proceed further in the workflow
Signing Phase Sign Signer Can formally approve (sign) a document
Delivery Phase Deliver Recipient Can view/download a document

2. How to create a new project?

A project can be created from the “Create a New Project” button in the Home and Projects tab. Only an Organization Admin and Project Admin can create new projects.

Home and Project Screen

Creating a new document project

If you do not see the button in the Home screen and Projects screen your organization rights may be of a user and you do not have the right to create a project. You would need to ask your Organization Admin to change your user rights to Project Admin or Organization Admin to be able to create new projects.

You will need to complete three checklists before your project can Go Live.

Document workflow checklist and status

1. Define Workflow – the process of your project.

Attach Files – The file that you and your team will be working on.

Assign Collaborators – Set up your team

2. When the three tasks are complete your project is ready to Go Live.

Next, you will need define a workflow to use in the project. Click on the Next button to learn how to define a workflow.

3. How to choose a workflow?

All projects need an organized process. A workflow is the steps that one or more documents need to be processed through during a project. When you have clicked “Create a new Project” a new screen will open.  You would need to complete three checklists before you can set your project “Live” and start working on your project.  The first task is to define a Workflow for your project. You can define a workflow from the Workflow List or create your own workflow.

Creating workflows in the Workflow tab

Workflows list

A workflow is chosen from the sample list or created in the Workflow tab. Documill Leap comes with a few sample workflows to help you get started.

New workflow

If none of the workflows suits your need you can either modify any listed workflow or create a new workflow template from scratch.

To modify a workflow, click to open the workflow and click on …(more) button next to create a new project button and select edit.

To create from scratch, just click the “create a new Workflow” – a new screen with side pane will open. In this screen, you can rename a workflow and add steps

Phase & Step

Workflow composition with phases and steps

A workflow is composed of (1) Phase and (2) Steps to categorize and improve what different tasks members of your team would be working on. A step groups 1 or more similar tasks together and Phase groups one or more similar steps together.

4. How to attach files?

All projects in Documill Leap require a workable document file. Documill Leap fully supports DOCX file for online editing, commenting, and signing. Documill Leap also has support for PDF and PPTX for viewing, commenting and signing. Other file formats can be edited locally on your workstation and then uploaded back to your Leap project.

When you have selected a workflow for your project you can attach a workflow file to Attach a file in Workflow.

How to attach files

1. Workflow is defined – Once the Workflow is selected Workflow Files and Collaborators could be assigned.

2. Attach files – Click on Attach files to use available files or upload a local file.

Attach files, define workflows, or add a new flow

Edit flow attachment

The File anchor is on the leftmost side of Workflow.

1.To attach a file to project workflow click the + button.

2. Click upload local files to select local files or just drag and drop files.

3. Attached workflow files show up under Attached File

Add new Flow – You can add additional flows to your workflow and work with multiple documents at the same time.

5. How to assign Collaborators?

Once you have clicked the “Create a New Project” button you will see a new dashboard screen to define a workflow. After you have defined the workflow for your project. You will be asked to assign collaborators to the project.

Define document workflows

1. Workflow is defined – Once the Workflow is selected Workflow Files and Collaborators could be assigned.

2. Files attached –  Here you can see your uploaded document. This will serve as the starting point of your project.

3. Add Collaborators – Click to find where you need to add collaborators in a workflow.

You will notice the “Add {task role} “buttons in the workflow will be highlighted.

Assign document collaborators

A “Step properties” dialog with a list of available users will appear. Here you can assign collaborators to the respective tasks by selecting the checkbox.

1. Assigned collaborators are listed on top

2. Add new collaborators to your project from the search box and clicking add. Collaborators from your organization are added by name or email. Collaborators from outside your organization are added by email.

3. List of available collaborators in the project

4. View task details that were assigned to the collaborator.

Each Add {task role} needs to have an assigned collaborator for a project to go live.

6. How to go live?

Document project management

To go live you need to have defined a Workflow, attached a File, and have assigned Collaborators to all steps. Once you are satisfied with all the adjustments you can click the “Go Live” button.

Hurray! your project is now live.

When your project goes live, notifications are sent out for Collaborators who have to perform a Task.

7. How to complete tasks?

Tasks are specific to task roles. Collaborators only do a task when the task is “In Progress”. To finish an assigned task click the “Complete task” button in some tasks the button can be different, for example, an Approver would see Reject and Accept buttons.

There are the following roles in tasks

Phase Step Task Role Task Rights
Edit & Review Phase Edit Editor Can edit content
Approving Editor Can edit and give the decision to Tracked Changes
Commenter Can comment a document
Review Reviewer Can view and give review decision to a document
Approval Phase Approve Approver Can view and give approval to a document to proceed further in the workflow
Signing Phase Sign Signer Can formally approve (sign) a document
Delivery Phase Deliver Recipient Can view/download a document

Edit and Review Phase


Editing tasks allow collaborator to edit the content of a document. DOCX files are supported for editing.

Embedded document editing and formatting


Comments are feedback on a document. Comments do not affect the content of the document. A commenter can add and resolve a comment.

Task roles Commenter, Reviewer, and Approver have the right to resolve comments in a document.

Document task completion stage

1. Complete task button

2. Review pane button to open comment and track change pane

3. Added comment. An added comment can be resolved.

Track Change suggestions

Track changes are suggestions made in a document. An Approving Editor can accept or reject any suggestions made to the document. Once they are satisfied with their changes they can mark their task complete by Accepting files.

Suggested content can be accepted or rejected in the document. Accepting a change makes it part of the content while rejecting a change removes suggestion. Both actions remove the Track change from the pane.

Document change tracking

1. The “Track Change” toggle button. It switches ON or OFF track change (suggestion mode)

2. Review pane – to view comments and track changes

3. Individual track change

Approve phase

When a document is ready in terms of content an Approver would approve the document. If the document still needs more work then it can be rejected and moved to previous phases.

Document approval stage

Signing phase

Signing phase of a document - accept or reject it as needed

To sign a document, click on your task

1. Click on the open file button

2. fill your signature details (Organization, Name, and Signature are mandatory fields. your details are auto-saved for next signing)

3. Click sign file to complete your signing task

4.Or Reject file if it is needed.

Delivery phase

When the document is ready to be delivered to recipients it is in the delivery phase. Recipients can download the final (signed) document and the task will be marked as complete.

Deliver a document to recipients either as a DOCX and/or PDF

Project complete

After the last step of the last phase is complete the project is automatically marked as complete.

If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us